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Viewing posts tagged Baby bags.

Love at First Bite


These sweet treats will make your V-Day that much sweeter. We have compiled a list of some of our favorite Valentine themed delectable that will surely make your kiddos smile.

1) Write a love note

Whip up some simple sugar cookies with royal icing and top with a love note written with food safe markers.


2) Sweetheart Donuts

Make it a V-Day to remember with these candy coated donuts.

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Introducing Bumble Mama Crystal

Bumle Mama Crystal

We are so in awe of this multi-talented and beautiful mama, Crystal Levy. Not only does she act and have her own You Tube channel (We have two words for you, Tantrum Tamer. She outlines the recipe of this all natural essential oil on her channel). She is also co-owner along with her husband Jonah Levy of Blue Whale Studios, Inc.  a full service makeup and special...

Bumble Weekly Giveaways!

Bumble Collection Giveaway

Let the giveaways begin!
We will be giving away diaper bags, lunch bags and coolers every week on our Instagram page! Are you excited to win some Bumble?! Tune in to our IG account on Monday, May 29th for details on our first giveaway.
Good Luck!


We are pleased to introduce you to this pretty mama blogger, Melissa (IG- @gunnsgirls) and her two beauty babies who obviously knows a thing or two about cute accessories (and poufy tutus)! We were able to chat with Melissa and get the dish on her hospital must haves, her pregnancy cravings and the name of that great lipstick she's wearing!

How many kiddos do you have?
I'm a mama of two girls- 3 year old and 14 months old.

What are your...