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Introducing Brand Ambassador Brianne

Brianne is a happy mother of one to her beautiful baby boy! Brianne and her family reside in sunny Arizona.  Here's a one on one Q+A session we had with this Bumble mama. Check out her blog to follow the many adventures of motherhood set forth for Brianne and Gentry Hudson through her lovely blog www.thesentimentalmama.com 

Where is your hometown?
     I have moved so much in my life but I was...

Introducing Brand Ambassador Kira

Kira is a happy mother of one who resides in the big island of Hawaii with her hubby and baby girl Harlow! Here's a one on one Q+A session we had with this Bumble mama. Check out her Instagram: @kiraasada to follow the many adventures of motherhood set forth for Kira and Harlow through her beautiful photographs!

Where is your hometown?
      Honolulu, Oahu

 How many kiddos do you have?
     9 months, Harlow

What is Harlow's favorite thing to do right now?

Calmness to the Chaos

I started Bumble in 1997 when I was single, no children and had no other responsibilities besides my work. Life was simpler. I worked and was able to do “me” things in my free time. Now fifteen years later, I am happily married with two children and lots of responsibilities that pull me back and forth between work and family life. Most days I feel like a ping pong ball and “me” time is not quite as often as it was before.

My days get divided between work and home life. My...