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Viewing posts tagged momblogger.

DIY:: Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

DIY Holiday Gift Ideas

Are you ready to show off your wrapping skills this holiday season? You can in a simple and beautiful way with these DIY gift wrapping ideas.

These inspiring crafty wrap ideas can dress up your holiday gifts in a few easy steps. 

So tap into your creative side this holiday season and get ready to make your presents shine!

1) Woodland Theme

2) Touch of Gold
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Introducing Bumble Mama Crystal

Bumle Mama Crystal

We are so in awe of this multi-talented and beautiful mama, Crystal Levy. Not only does she act and have her own You Tube channel (We have two words for you, Tantrum Tamer. She outlines the recipe of this all natural essential oil on her channel). She is also co-owner along with her husband Jonah Levy of Blue Whale Studios, Inc.  a full service makeup and special...

Bumble Weekly Giveaways!

Bumble Collection Giveaway

Let the giveaways begin!
We will be giving away diaper bags, lunch bags and coolers every week on our Instagram page! Are you excited to win some Bumble?! Tune in to our IG account on Monday, May 29th for details on our first giveaway.
Good Luck!